The Corporation for New Jersey Local Media is a nonprofit organization, operating under tax ID 85-2177281, that builds strong communities through journalism and civic engagement.
This work would not be possible without the generous support of our community, and we are proud to recognize the donors who have aligned with us to secure the future of local journalism through a variety of donor benefits.
Additional donor benefits are listed below.
By becoming a member of our Founder’s Circle, donors who give $1,000+ provide pivotal support during our founding year and receive a number of benefits that help them connect with our community.
Join an exclusive group of supporters who supported CNJLM during our founding year. In addition to a lifetime membership in our Founder’s Circle, this group of donors will receive:
Join us at this level to celebrate the 100-year history of some of the New Jersey Hills Media Group’s papers. In addition to being a member of this special group of donors, Century Club donors will receive:
Friend donors will receive:
Friend donors will receive:
In addition to membership in the Century Club, Champion donors will receive:
Join an exclusive group of supporters who supported CNJLM during our founding year. In addition to a lifetime membership in our Founder’s Circle, this group of donors will receive:
In addition to membership in our Century Club and Founder’s Circle Founder’s Circle, this generous group of donors will receive:
In addition to membership in our Century Club and Founder’s Circle Founder’s Circle, this generous group of donors will receive:
In addition to membership in our Century Club and Founder’s Circle Founder’s Circle, this generous group of donors will receive:
In addition to membership in our Century Club and Founder’s Circle Founder’s Circle, this generous group of donors will receive: